
Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Nigel Planer's spoof luvvie-memoir I, an Actor describes how the great thesp Nicky Craig spends a day at Battersea Dogs' Home in London to prepare for his role in a play called The Dogs of Tblonsk. I like to think that martial arts megastar Jet Li did something similar for this film, whose title used to be Danny the Dog.
Jet plays a guy brought up from babyhood as, ahem, a dog, by cruel gangland villain Bob Hoskins. Bob chivvies Jet around on a lead, which he takes off to allow Jet to kick some ass and put dozens of bad guys in hospital. But a blind piano tuner played by saintly Morgan Freeman reawakens Danny's latent humanity and triggers a recovered memory of his mother: a musician who played Mozart! I am not making this up.
The person who is making this up is that fantastically heavy-handed Euro-action specialist Luc Besson, who has written and produced a film that, with a lot more wit and flair, might have applied for cult status. Bizarrely, it's supposed to be set in Glasgow - but full of no one but Americans and cockneys.
Yuen Wo Ping is in charge of the fight choreography, which looks slick enough. But Jet's doggy persona is disappointing. He doesn't bark, nor is there proper tongue-out panting or feisty tail action. Frankly, I think Jet wasn't trying.

bizarrely- groteskowo
chivvy- zadręczać, nagabywać, popędzać
feisty- przebojowy
flair- talent, smykałka, zdolności
gangland- grupa gangów
latent- utajony, ukryty
luvvie- aktor grający w sposób sztuczny, pretensjonalny I przesadny
memoir- wspomnienie, artykuł prasowy
pant- dyszeć, sapać
slick- powierzchowny, zręcznie zrobiony, gładki
spoof- parodia, naciąganie
thesp- aktor (pogardliwie)
trigger- wywoływać
villain- czarny charakter


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